I have no gift to bring that’s fit to give the King


My new favorite Christmas song is Little Drummer Boy. Pentatonix has the most incredible version. When you pull out all those pa rum pum pum pum’s, you are left with some powerful lyrics... 

Come they told me

A new born King to see

Our finest gifts we bring

To lay before the King

I have no gift to bring

That's fit to give the King

Shall I play for you

Mary nodded

I played my drum for Him

I played my best for Him

Then He smiled at me

Me and my drum.

This season is demanding... it asks us to offer up our finest gifts... perfect presents and adorable wrapping, designer cookies, creative cocktails, gourmet foods, perfectly decorated homes, and curated parties.

We lay them before our kings... our mothers, fathers, in-laws, spouses, siblings, children, bosses, employees...

We do our best to offer gifts worthy enough... we wait to see... we wonder...

Was it enough? 

Did I give enough?

Did I create enough?

Did I offer enough? 

Was I enough?

I have no gift to bring

That's fit to give the King

I’m some ways, what you offer will not be enough... there will always be someone who is disappointed, not satisfied, wanting something else or something more. 

What will you choose to believe about yourself when that happens? Should you have known better? Tried harder? Spent more money? Given more fucks? Given less fucks?

I have no gift to bring

That's fit to give the King

The little drummer boy had nothing physically impressive to offer a King. He had no tangible gift that would have been worthy enough. So he offered what he had...

Shall I play for you

Mary nodded

I played my drum for Him

I played my best for Him

He offered his time and his talent with a spirit of love and generosity and...

Then He smiled at me

Me and my drum.

It was enough. Not because it was a tangible gift worthy of a King but because it was... 

A human being 

Doing the best they could 

With what they had 

When they had it 

And it was enough. 

Each of us has a very special talent to offer. Some of you are writers, artists, photographers, musicians, bakers, sewers, designers, decorators... some of you specialize in showing kindness, a listening ear, an encouraging word, a loving truth... 

Fill in your blanks:

I ___________ my _________ for Him.

I ___________ my best for Him.

I made this piece of art specifically for a beautiful floral designer. I am in awe as I watch her make such beautiful creations. She does her best, with the talent she has been given and shares that gift with the world. She offers it to the universe and up to God and it brings her and all of us around her such joy.

Then He smiled at me

It is my hope this holiday season that you would feel the fullness of these lyrics and this truth...

You have been created with talents and gifts. You are worthy of love. You are worthy of belonging and connection. You are enough. You are not alone.

I see you. I hear you. I love you.

Happy holidays,


Jill Kane