I Hope I Don't Kill This

“I hope I don’t kill this” was a very common statement that I heard while working at terrain, a high-end garden, home and outdoor lifestyle store in Devon, PA pictured above.

Week after week customers would come in and explain their desires to own a new plant. They would share about their unique living conditions and our nursery team would listen carefully and provide such thoughtful recommendations. Then the customer would excitedly choose their favorite plant and place it on the counter to checkout and say,

“I’m not very good with plants”

My first thought was always... SHHHHH the plant can hear you. You just announced that you might kill it and don’t know how to take care of it and now it’s scared out of its mind to go home with you.

My second thought was… even though you tried before and weren’t successful, give yourself permission to believe that you can keep this one alive. Everybody has killed a plant (haven’t they), that doesn’t make you a doomed for life plant killer, unless that is the story you choose to believe.


I have the privilege of working on the lettering team at terrain. I was terrified the first time they asked me to make a sign for their grand opening in Devon, PA. I remember thinking at the time, “I hope I don’t kill this sign.” That voice of doubt was LOUD.

I find that voice hard to ignore sometimes. Often it can be easier just to give in to it. A few years ago I did just that and I quit.

I am such a quitter

I was 35 when I started making art. There was no evidence that I should continue on that path. I was ruining paper with juvenile scribbles. It was embarrassing and disappointing. I couldn’t handle those feelings of being a beginner so I stopped.

At the time I also happened to be in therapy and was reading Daring Greatly by Brené Brown. I was challenged by her research that said, “we are born makers.”

Her research also indicated that I am worthy of love, belonging and connection.


The stories we repeat in our minds impact our beliefs, which impacts our actions and the energy we bring into the world

Which story was I going to choose to believe... the one that said that I was not enough and would kill the sign or the one that was lovingly encouraging me to dare greatly?

Would You Quit or Would You Keep Going

I chose to grow and expand my mindset and bravely picked up a pen and brush again and start making. Six years after my restart, I was asked to hand letter signs at terrain. (P.S. did you know that URBN owns terrain? URBN also owns Anthropologie, Free People, and Urban Outfitters. Such beauty can be found in each of these brands.

Here are just a few of my favorite signs that I have created at terrain:

When we are faced with fear in life, we have to make a choice. Are we going to GROW or GO?

Will you quit because it’s too hard? YES.... hmm, not what you expected there eh... I’m saying YES because sometimes we do have to stop, rest, take a breath and regroup and I think it’s very important that we are able to give ourselves permission to make that choice without feeling guilt or shame that we are a failure.

If you do take a pause, I suggest that you seek wise counsel and explore new resources. Invest in your human development and understand your capacity and mindset more clearly and unpack why you chose to stop. Most of the time you will uncover more truth and will experience so much growth. Often you will even find your next right step on your path.

what can grow when you choose to believe

It is amazing what can grow when we choose to believe... in my case a love of art, a new career and a love of plants! I learned so much about plants while working at terrain. I have been introduced to so many beautiful species. One of my favorites is the Monstera. I am quite obsessed with their big fat leaves. I have two large Monstera’s and a small cutting in my house. They are an important part of my plant family. I have 48 indoor plants now! Some women collect shoes, I seem to collect plants (and art supplies).

That love of the Monstera is what prompted my Grow Monstera Leaves art piece. She is available for sale if you want her for your home. She is also available for you to make in The Makers Circle.

Make Art to Clear Stress During A Global Pandemic

In the beginning of the pandemic I wanted to create a safe space to support individuals seeking to add more making and creativity into their lives. As a result, I created a free group on Facebook called, The Makers Circle. I have been offering accessible and inspiring ideas to get your creativity moving.

My goal is to provide a weekly creative prompt and teach a live lesson. On Maker Monday, I go live at 8pm EST. I have attempted to provide humor and support as participants give themselves permission to try something new. Our group is predominately made up of brave soul’s trying art for the first time or those who had to dig their materials out of a closet. We have a few students well versed in a creative practice, but they are mostly there for the humor more than my technique.

Free Resources for Watercolor + Hand Lettering

At this time, if you join The Makers Circle you will have FREE access to all our lessons including Monstera leaves. Move fast though because exciting opportunities will be released to the group soon and the freebies will be changing.

I also have a FREE lettering guide available on my website that you can use to start your creative practice and lettering journey. This guide is perfect for beginners and is an easy and accessible introduction to fauxligraphy and hand lettering. Be sure to download this guide from my website.

On my website, I even have a stellar list of my favorite materials that you can check out to get you started on your art making journey.

We would absolutely love for you to join us. Will you give yourself permission to try, make mistakes, gather information, and try again? This applies to your relationship with making art, your relationships with yourself and others, and your relationship with plants!

If you have no interest in making anything yourself but would love some inspirational and motivational mantra art for your gallery wall or inspiration and vision boards, I just added a few of these art pieces to my shop. You can get immediate access to them at my Digital Downloads page. Message me if you are interested in the originals or prints. Navigating a global pandemic, homeschooling and trying to raise two kids under 7 has me a little behind on my shop! Thanks for your patience!