'You Suck and Your Art Is Crap'

This was the harshest feedback that I ever received. Who would say something like that?

Turns out, I would. I said it to myself everyday.

I share more of this story in My Favorite Materials. Be sure to read that story to understand my experience more clearly. But basically my mindset began assaulting me when I first started making art. I was hopeful that fabulous materials would make my art better instantly, but it turns out they didn’t and I got so disappointed that I quit making art!

I didn’t know how to process my disappointment at the time. All I knew was that I made art and it looked like crap, which in turn made me feel like I was crap and ultimately made me feel like I was not enough. I decided that I never wanted to feel that way again so I numbed my feelings. I shopped and ate and did my best to avoid dealing with this disappointment. It didn’t work. I didn’t feel any better. If anything it left me feeling sadder, fatter, and more broke!

So how did I solve my dilemma?

I went to therapy.

Therapy was so helpful. I highly recommend it. Around the same time, I also discovered Brené Brown. I watched her TED talks and read her books. I was inspired by her research and personal transformation and I chose to follow her evidence. I intentionally began cultivating my mindset. I shifted my negative thought patterns out of guilt and shame and redirected them:

I chose to believe that I was worthy of love, belonging and connection and that I was enough (and so was my art).

Worthy of Love Gold Small (4).jpg

That decision radically altered the direction of my life and my art making journey. Over time, I learned how to give myself permission to try new things, make mistakes, feel disappointed and sad, and not quit, eat my feelings or numb out. I kept making art and sharing it with the world, even when it was crappy!

Some days were beautiful, as was the art I created. Some days were ugly and frustrating and I had crappy art to show for it. But every day I intentionally chose to believe that it was all enough, that I was enough.

What does your creative mindset say to you?

Will it tell you that you suck and if so, what will you choose to believe?

Will you feel sad or disappointed and numb out or will you choose to believe that you are still worthy of love?

Will you feel mad that you can’t make your art look like you want it to but still give yourself permission to try anyway?

What will you choose to believe about who you are as a maker?

There’s only one way to find out…

Will you dare greatly and

give yourself permission

to try making art?

I encourage you to do it. Start where you are, use what you have, and do the best you can with what you have. This applies to your art materials and your mindset.

I am here to support you on your art making journey with your skills and your makers mindset. I am here to model for you and teach you how to give yourself permission to try new materials and styles, make lots of mistakes, gather information about the products and process and NOT MAKE JUDGMENTS ABOUT YOUR WORTH AND VALUE AS A HUMAN AND ARTIST.

You are not alone and you can do hard things! Join me and we can do it together.

Sending you love & light,



Jill KaneComment