The Rainbow Comes After the Storm

Inspiring quotes and mantras create meaningful watercolor + Hand lettered art

“Somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue,⁣ and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.”⁣ I sing this song to my kids before bed. Before this unique season, the lyrics seemed nostalgic and whimsical, now they feel quite heavy.⁣ To dream amidst the collective sorrow, loss and grief in the world feels very vulnerable. ⁣I don’t have answers today, I just have art. Sometimes life is just heavy and that’s ok. ⁣

I learned from Brené Brown that, “We move what we’re learning from our heads to our hearts through our hands.”⁣

⁣create art to find meaning in times of stress and hardship

I am a born maker and I believe that I was hard wired to process through my emotions through making things. I believe all humans are hard wired this way.⁣ Have you tried making art to make sense of what’s going on right now?

Will you join me in making art?

rainbow watercolor with fauxligraphy hand lettering art? ⁣

Give yourself permission to try new ways of creating⁣

Use what you have in your house, grab some paper and crayons, markers, colored pencils or paint. Explore new ways of creating by changing the color order of your rainbow.

explore color + pattern to enhance your art

Add variation to your art by exploring various color combinations and line size. Rather than one large rainbow, try a page with mini rainbows. Rather than trying to make perfect art, pay attention to your details and what you learn about the materials and process. Creating this piece, I discovered that I LOVE adding Winsor Newton Gouache Permanent White to my colors. It gives them a soft muted tone.

Check out my favorite white and some of my other favorite materials that enhance my creative practice. The materials listed on this site are primarily links on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This means that your purchase through these links may result in payments to me. That being said, I only suggest supplies that I fully recommend.

making art makes meaning of the mess

I was reminded today that a rainbow comes after the rain. It arrives when the sun shines on drops of water.⁣ The storm comes first. This is quite a storm that we are in physically and emotionally right now. We are all in this together. You are not alone.⁣

be intentional with your mindset

I am personally navigating this season by cultivating an intentional mindset. During this season, I find myself doing a few things,

be patient and wait

Wait for the sun... it will come... it always does... the beauty will come... keep believing... until it does, make lots of art and move the pain of this season out from our heads to our hearts through our hands⁣.

be a helper

Be the sun... bring light into someone else’s storm... support hurting people around you... help create a bright light in their storm so they experience the beauty of the rainbow⁣.

What I do know is that rainbows are a symbol of hope. They can motivate us to continue and endure through dark times. They are also a symbol for good luck. It is my hope that my art will bring a little light to you today.⁣

Surround yourself with hope + A happy little rainbow

Bring a little happiness into your home! This happy little rainbow watercolor art is available in my shop. You can download her immediately. She looks fabulous framed on a gallery wall, in a home office, living room, nursery or on an inspiration board or vision board.⁣

Sending you love and lots of light amidst your storm.
