Are You Going Quarantine Crazy Yet? Soothe the Stress by Making Art!

Looking for a way to soothe and clear stress? You must get creative. ⁣ Are you thinking,

I’m not creative?

Well I’ve got some interesting news for you... you are, we all are…⁣

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Creativity is hardwired into each human. We are ALL CREATIVE. I learned that from Brené Brown. Her research shows that, “we are all born makers” and,

“We move what we’re learning from our heads to our hearts through our hands.”

What I also learned from Brené is that we must use our creativity because otherwise,

“Unused creativity is not benign. It metastasizes. It turns into grief, rage, judgement, sorrow, shame.”⁣

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want any more of those things. I’m already working hard to get rid of what I have that I don’t need more. ⁣ So a few years ago at the age of 35, I picked up a pen and a brush and I started making art.

It was crappy at first, like really crappy, like kindergarten art crappy. I hated how that made me feel. I actually quit for a while and went to therapy instead. After some time, I learned how to give myself permission to try something new, make a lot of of mistakes and not take it personally.

I felt disappointed but I didn’t quit or numb my feelings, instead I kept trying,

I chose to believe that I was worthy anyway.

I dared greatly, kept making art and shared it with the world.⁣ By making that choice, a few things happened…

I cleared my guilt and shame

I had tools to clear my stress

I got better at making art

Are you looking for a way to clear stress? Then join me in making art. You are not too old. It is not too late. You are not alone, let’s do this together.

Download my FREE Lettering Guide to get started.⁣ I used the fauxligraphy technique in that guide to hand letter this piece. I also used watercolor paint to create easy triangles and line drawing to add some embellishments.

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I also created a FREE GROUP called The Makers Circle on Facebook during this quarantine season to help you get started in making art. I provide weekly prompts and go live on Monday night’s for MAKER MONDAYS to demonstrate that week’s prompt. This week was triangles. Be sure to join us for creative inspiration and connection.

Sending you lots of love and sanity during this unique season. You are not alone and you can do hard things.
